Advice on EIA and SEA


The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment prepares mandatory and voluntary advisory reports for government (national, provincial and local) on the scope and quality of environmental assessments.

Who does the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment advise?
The Commission advises ‘the competent authority’: the authority for which the environmental assessment report has been prepared and must make a planning decision based on that report. Who the competent authority is in each case, depends on the kind of decision to be taken.

For example, in the case of an SEA for a local land-use plan, the competent authority is the municipal council. But in the case of an SEA for a provincial structure vision, the competent authority is the States Deputed (provincial authority).

Only the competent authorities can request that the Commission prepare an official advisory report. However, anyone may approach the Commission with questions about the environmental assessment procedure in practice or on case experience.

Quality review of EIAs/SEAs: a dutch perspective